Tuesday, March 29, 2011


with fog, the world grows opaque
a puzzle with pieces missing
that your yearning mind

early, early in the morning.
when the sun's first yawns
have barely bounced from the sky
the fog creates a world,
                                     far away.

that misty field? it is an ocean.
i am on a road, adjacent to the water.
one can hear the crash of waves.

that shadowy house? it is a citadel.
i am on a road, in some medieval town
and see the flaming torches flicker from the towers.

those dark bushes? a low wall.
i am on a road, crossing over a border
marked by the wall
that will take me, anywhere i want to be.
anywhere but here.
over the wall, i see the grass much lusher, greener

the grass is greener on the other side.

the fog has cleared

the world goes on.

oh that i could find the passage to,

"the other side"


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