Sunday, April 24, 2011

Song from Evolution

My name is evolution and I know that not all of you
believe in me but hold on for a second- just pretend I'm true
And for all of the others thanks so much for sticking with me
You guys know I'm a process but you don't know my whole story-

Now when the universe was created certain laws began to rule
They guided everything that happened except for the miniscule-
But we're not talking about quarks we are talking about cells
Let's just start from their brgining, skip the inorganic, might as well

Now as soon as cells began I now had a dominion too-
I could hold my head up in the council of all the omnipresent rules
And while they discussed photons and how to make the light submit,
I daydremed about making rhinos, earworms and your armpits.

Because I am evolution,
I'm a rule of the universe
Made of other smaller lesser rules
But being evolution hurts,
yeah, being evolution hurts. 

I slowly, slowly built upon that first prokaryote
I sculpted gills for fish and for land creatures, the lungs and the throat-
They could live with each other, they occupied different niches
The bears were eaten by bacteria after they ate all the fishes...

And they all lived together off of the soil's nutrients
I had to work with this guy named geological processes
My art slowly was perfected but I left every day crying,
Because although I ruled the world, all of the sick were dyyiiinnngggg...

Because I am evolution,
I'm a rule of the universe
Made of other smaller lesser rules
But being evolution hurts,
oh yeah, being evolution hurts. 

So I thought and thought about how I could make species immune to me
Like Uranus made Kronos but I'd let them do it, willingly
Only a creative thinker could reverse something that is true-
So I made Homo Sapiens and that's the story of you. 

I couldn't tell the future then, and I can't do it now-
But that's an explanation that doesn't make sense but does somehow.
Use the big brains I gave you to do more than just survive,
I don't want you to kill things cause it's still my fault when they all die. 
But at least all of your sick are in hospitals, not coffins,
And you know what's not a death sentence?  Sneezing or coughing!

Of course I am just a theory, I don't have thoughts, I don't write songs
I'm your idea of a truth and immune to both right and wrong
You named me and I may not even be any way true
But you like to listen to yourself reflected in the things you do
So I sat down metaphorically
And spelled a pattern song for you
So evolution picked up a guitar
and wrote a song for you...
Here it is.


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