Sunday, July 3, 2011

the sky is a wet blue phoenix

The sky is blue
water has been stretched over the giant drum of the world
Don't believe me?  It is round.
Lay on the ground in the forest and the trees stretch around you, convering into one point,
what you've considered flat is actually
actually a bowl
a cradle basin.
I heard a thunder beat
(Hands scoop water from the ocean and smooth it across the mouth)
(This morning I saw the sky skin was white and aged)
I heard thunder beat like a yellow marching band drum would,
an accidental cracking hit
in a dusty band room closet
in some high school in Minnesota.
The whole canvas cracked
melting and falling, in a patter
as cactus seeds rattle up and down a rainstick.
I wonder if the trickling through soil is music for the bugs and bacteria
under my feet.
I pretend to hear the water splashing into the next sky below. 


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