Thursday, July 28, 2011

Various Units of Measure

I don't understand a year. 
I don’t understand a kilogram. 
I don’t understand a degree;
neither Celsius nor Fahrenheit.  I don’t understand an hour. 
I don’t understand a dollar, not to mention twenty or ten thousand.  Please,
don't ask me how much power is in a horse, how much water
is in an Olympic-size pool, or how many people,
real people,
were killed at Auschwitz. 

I could give you a number  I wouldn't understand. 
I could give you a number;
I wouldn't understand. 

I understand five jellybeans, but the jellybean to ton conversion
is incomprehensible to me, as are quarks, neut-
-rons, molecules, cells, and eco-
Humans explain things terribly, so don't spoonfeed me;
I can make my own spoons.  You know what though? 
You know what? 

I need three ounces of silver. 


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