Monday, August 1, 2011

They forgot to tell us the point.

The clock is hooked onto the wall
and has been for fifty years,
one tick a second, every
second, except for five minutes every
three and a half
years to change the
battery is that the point of learning algebra?
she asked, feet seven
point two inches from
the square linoleum floor
tiles She landed with a double click
and began pacing across the width
of the 18x16 classroom: 
5 out of 250 fingers shot up coming with
"to answer problems,"

now every single student
(well 24/25 of the students--
one was asleep) knew
that for no reason in particular
they had to garble and fumble letters and numbers
for frustrating (180*x h/d) hours
until the symbol after one equals sign
matched the one at the end of the book.

Someone said they would need to be able to
factor trinomials
in a grocery store or on a train
because those were "real life" things they were approved to
because that lady in heels forgot. 

The students remained dubious
(not even I write equations every time I cross a bridge)
glancing apprehensively at a dark pointlessness
that would apparently follow them
for the rest of their lives. 


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