Monday, July 18, 2011

i come from a land ___

i come from a land down under
where the flames sparkle on the walls
and the woody smell of earth eats away at the lies
where the dirt is good and clean and soluble in tears,
the sky is orange and glowing as an infant mushroom.
this land is dear and wholesome, and the air
is sweet with cinnamon and sweat.
but i need more,
i must see what else lies in this multiverse.
because i know, there's not just one.

i go to the land up above
and it is cold, but one feels blissful.
euphoric are the sounds one hears up above
the crash of the waves.  and the great silence.
there are lavender streams and the flowers never die.
the sun is blinding and exudes an aroma of ambrosia
the leaves have flecks of gold and dance when no one watches
and the frogs swim on snowflake lilies.
this is paradise, but it is too cold
and i want to feel the hot comfort in my chest.

i visit the land over there,
and it is stony, the cliffs frame the land
and give the gray valleys a pompous pride,
the trees are rigid in their stance
one could say they are perfect,
but one could also say they are horrid.
it is neither cold nor warm, but dry.
the pumpkins and wheat in the field hum with hidden energy
and their leathery skin rubs and rolls on the earth of concreteness.
the lions sleep 'neath the wings of griffins
and dream of their ancestors.
the land over there is ancient and sacred,
but i am not a priestess and i need the oven in my soul
to warm my body.

i walk many miles, passing many willows.
i look at my fingernails, and see the tint of orange sky
reflected in them.
and i feel warm, and home.


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