Monday, June 13, 2011

The Cactus

On my porch there is a cactus.  I found it today, sitting in a sunny corner. 
Nobody knows where it came from.  I asked them all. 
It might be my cactus, but I don't remember getting a cactus. 
It might be my mother's cactus, but she doesn't remember getting a cactus.
It might be my brother's cactus, but he doesn't remember getting a cactus. 
It is probably my father's cactus, although he doesn't remember getting a cactus. 
It is cactus-colored, desert sandy green-- different from the wetter, brighter "weed" plants in the pot with it. 
They are new but it has lasted and will, probably. 
On my porch there will probably be a cactus
sitting in a sunny corner. 
I think it is my father's cactus. 


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