Thursday, February 17, 2011

stranger in row 820.9-847.4

to the boy in the library:
hello. you may have wondered why
i could barely reach just shy
of the shelf that held The Language of Shakespeare
i will tell you, i realized it was not as near
as it pretended to be, it's smile was a leer
it told me come, reach for that star
reach and reach your nails as far
as possible, and i will descend for you
alas, i did not have a clue
that it would Ascend out of my grasp
and make me reach reach reach and gasp
because i felt my ribs elasticizing
my breath heaving and breathalizing
and yes, right as i reached the summital climax
i jus swiftly heard the tic tacs tic tacs
of your converse on the library floor
just coming out the bathroom door
frozen in space, im afraid you heard me groan
vertically sprawled across the books that drone
and snore and creak when they sleep.
yes you seemed a bit of a creep,
because after an embarrassed lapse where i calmly sat
studiously burrowing like a little bookrat
i saw you pass again, on the other side
yes i saw you, it can't be denied.

so, strange college student
maybe your nose is bent
or maybe you have an extra toe
or an ear that doesn't show.

but if Mistress Serendipity wishes that we meet another time
i hope i am not bending down, to look upon a fallen dime


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