Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the cove of the dove

The dove flew to his high perch,
At the summit of the duke birch
He proudly looked about
and said, "I, he with the biggest pout
am truly great and the grandest bird
of my mediocre measly herd.
I arrogantly stand as big as a goose
my pride mighty and my tongue loose.
All you, miserable scraps of feathers
if all of you where weathers
you would be the breeze lukewarm,
and I would be the thunderstorm.
I am the tempest of the species
among the fluffy pillows of the fleecy
I am the granite rock in the cave
looking down at the pebbles that slave
wearing down the foundation
to create a slight indentation.
But when I fall from my niche
I crush you all to dust that itch,
merely itch the grand rock's belly.

I am the phoenix of the woods,
I dare you all! Challenge me!
You might need your knighthoods
to fight this monstrosity.

At these words, the dove with eyebrows raised
lifted his wings to fly to the heavens
to gain his rightful throne next to the sun
and scoff down at everyone.

But then...

a shot.


into the large white living cloud's chest
a large mass of red blood seeping
a feathery disarray of blood and lost honor

I guess they thought he was a goose.


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