Sunday, May 15, 2011

Random Thought Vomit Day (4 minutes)

Hey pamplemousse (wouldn't that be a funny name to have in real life?  so cumbersome) I think whoever posts first on certain days (usually me) should come up with a new way to say what we have, up until now, referred to "uncensored mind rambles."  You said thought vomit.  I wonder how unoriginal the name will be next Saturday. 

I was thinking about mapquest, and directions in general.  What if the opposite of right wasn't left, but it had an option of being either left or another direction?  Let's call it wild, pronounced like "willed"  So if I had directions, I knew that to get where I wanted to go I had to turn right, left, right, but I would never be able to get back.  I turned right before.  Do I turn left now, or do I turn wild?  I wonder what maps would look like.  Probably they would have to be three-dimmensional and bendy, like a crochet pattern.  I wonder what life would be like in the fourth dimension. 

Speaking of four, my four minutes are up.  Can't wait to read yours. 


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